
Shahrisabz geografic location is very
convinient for Ecotourism deveopment. For example state reserve of
Guisar on the mountain Khisr, geologic reserve of Kitab are very
convinient for extreme Ecotourism, there are very convinient terms fir
historic and Ecotourism on the Langar ota, Siypantosh, Podaotoktepa,
Uzunkir and Sanguirtepa monuments. Langar ota monument is located in 65
km from Shahrisabz in the foothills where mosque of the Temurids’ epoch
(originally preserved) mausoleum of large sheikhs of Nakshbanda’s
teaching were created.Siypantosh monument is located in 70 km from the
town in the Ayokchi river tributary of Kurik. There is an unusual chapel
of the late paleolith and mesolite periods on it. There are Different
pictures painted by ochra on the top of Siypantosh. Scientists
researching them maintain that they are the most ancient calendars in
the world. Ancient oxes, various geometric ornament and women’s
finger-print are imaged in the rock stones.
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