Shahrisabz Museum of a history of material culture of a name Amir Temur Py | En | Uz
Museum of a history of material culture of a name Amir Temur Туры в Узбекистан. Цены Shahrisabz - Шахрисабз
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Scientific contacts

Scientific contacts

Scientific contacts

Scientific contacts

Though the museum is toyng it established scientific and enlightening contacts with several international organizations and foreign universities. For instance a co-worker B. Mamadiev raised his qualification in the protection of cultural heritage matters in the Japanease town Nara wrehe the part of Asian and Pacific regions of UNESCO.

N. Khushvaktov raised his qualification as a participant of the international Grant financed by Eurocomission in the matters of protection and recovery monuments of cultural heritage in French University Bordo-3. the museum has got close relationships with the museum earthenware crockery in the Italian town Kaltajiron (Sicily).

The co-worker N. Khushvaktov takes part in the international expedition to study monuments of the late Stone Age in the Kyzylkums arranged by France, Poland and Uzbekistan.
International and Republican scientific conferences and seminars are often arranged in the museum. The seminar for co-workers of museums in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was held in the initiative of Kazakhstan “Centre of Dashti-Art” (Karaganda), the Ministry of sports and culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Scientific contacts Scientific contacts Scientific contacts
Scientific contacts Scientific contacts

Concept of the museum
Concept of the museum
History of the museum foundation
History of building
The scientific employees
Timur’s history of culture
Written sources
Ancient settlement Podaetak
Historical-architectural values
Exposition of a museum
Scientific contacts
Scientific contacts

Mountains of Central Asia

Samarkand hotels