
History of building
The museum building is located in the
complex of madrasah Chubin built in XIV-XVI ages and invected by UNESCO
into the list of “Common to all mankind cultural wealth”. At that time
there were more then 40 madrasahs and mosques in the town where
religious and universal sciences were tought as registered in the
written sources of Amir Timur and the Timurids’ epoch. In this regard
architectural structures of madrasah were very convinient to use them as
a museum.
There are 31 established workers in the museum and 16
of them are research workers. 2 of them are candidates of hystorical
sciences (S. Rayimkulov, B. Sayfullaev) and 2 workers (N. Khushvaktov,
B. Mamadiev) make Ph.D. thesis of hystorical sciences.
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